
Suomen Tunturisuunnistus at Pallas 2.-3.8.2014

Saturday 2.8.2013, mass start at 14:00, Sunday 3.8.2013, pursuit starting at 10:00

Classes and preliminary distances
Competition classes and preliminary distances are shown below. In pair classes the age of a pair is the age of both members of the pair added together. Age of an individual is computed here using the birth year only. In classes H32, H38, D32, and D38 the maximum pair age is 32 or 38 years. In classes H80, D80, H95, D95, H110, D110, H125, D125 and H140 the minimum pair age is 80,95 110,125,140 (as shown in the class title).

Pair classes: H21A 25-28 km, H21B 18-20 km, H21C 13-15 km, D21A 17-19 km, D21C 11-13 km, H80 18-20 km, H95 17-19 km, H110 16-18 km, H125 13-15 km, H140 11- 12 km, H38 17-19 km, H32 13-15 km, D80 13-14 km, D95 12-13 km D110 9-10 km, D125 9-10 km, D38 12-13 km, D32 9-10 km

Mixed pair classes: H/DA 17-19 km, H/DB 13-15 km, H/DC 9-11 km. In these series there is age compensation 1 min/year when the pair age is over 70 years. Birth years of both competitors are required to compute the compensation. For entries in pair classes, birth years of both competitors are required.

Individual classes: HA 22-24km, HB 13-15km, DA 14-16km, DB 11-13km.

Fitness class: You can participate as individuals or in pairs, 10-12km.
No orienteering competition license is required for participation to any class
Entry fee to pair classes 60€/pair, individual classes 36€/person, fitness class 60€/pair or 30€/person. One day fee is half of the full fee. Emit-rent is 5€ at the competiton centre info, cash required.

The entries should be made using IRMA system ( before midnight 23.7.2014. You need to registrate to the system to make the entry. You can only make entry for both days – if you are , participating for one day only send your entry to daniel.lehtonen(a) and pay your entry fee to account FI905533004009998 , Länsi-Rajan Rasti.
Late entries are possible with 1.5 times the normal entry fee until midnight 30.7.2014 using above entry methods .

Competition instructions
Competition instructions are published at the competition web site at the latest 31.7.2014.

Emit punching. In pair classes both competitors must have an emit card. If you have your own emit-card the number of the card must be given when registrating for the competition. Organizers will reserve a rental emit-card for those who don´t have their own card. The cards can be picked up at competition centre info desk, renting cost is 5€ including both days. Please reserve cash for the renting fee.

Competition centre
Competition centre Hotel Pallas, Pallastunturintie, 99330 Pallastunturi. Parking will be near the competition center.

Fellorienteering map 1:25000 or 1:30000, color printout.

Fell area of Pallas

Possibly at classes H/D21A, HDA and at individual classes H/DA

All competitors finishing the first day will be given a commemorative prize. Product prizes for the competition classes will be given based on results of the both days.

Muksula (Children’s day care)
Pre-register your children to Muksula: riikkakorpi6(a)
Accommodation: Ask Lapland Hotel Olos, puh. (016) 536 111, Oloshotellintie, 99300 Muonio

Competition organization
Event Director: Esa Rantakeisu, 0405782328, esa.rantakeisu(a)
Course setter: Jorma Pietiläinen, 0400391419, jorma.pietilainen(a)
Course advisor: Tero Taulavuori, 0408481665, taulavuori(a)
Media: Riikka Korpi, 0405726720, riikkakorpi6(a)
Competion web site: